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Oak trees are a symbol of many of the good things in life: generosity, stability, resilience, connection, strength, persistence, joy. My work with oak is infused with these life qualities.

Through the weft and weave of story, we seek to build connection, appreciation, intrigue, wonder and depth of communication with like-minded people through an adventurous mix of oaky projects, ideas and synchronicity of meaning.

Co-creating with oak is a delight, a celebration of their existence, presence, beauty, majesty and an acknowledgement of all their gifts to us. They bring such happiness.

Our background is an eclectic mix of horticulture (as landscapers, designers,
nurserymen, gardeners), art, publishing, writing, graphic design, ethnography (exploring remote communities and their spiritual use of plants in rituals and ceremony), botany, ethnobotany (how people use plants, or perhaps one might say how plants use people), taxonomy (the classification of plants), conservation (practical application of taxonomic research), coleopterology (beetle research), and more recently an exploration and immersion in mythology.

We have become wholeheartedly interested in
story-telling and writing, delving into the mystical side of the wild and how we can express fundamental truths through story and myth.

Numerous different strands of 'Mighty Fine Oaks' are now being woven, as we connect and honour with these fine old beings of our hedgerows, fields, farms, woods, forest and parkland. We celebrate a myriad of people, for a myriad reasons: memorials, anniversaries, weddings, deaths, births. Our oaklings are sought out for parkland restoration, avenue planting, specimen tree selection for designed landscapes. They can imbue woodland planting and habitat creation with some of the energy of a 'grandmother oak' through inclusion of some oaklings with parents over 500 years in age.

They are little magical fractal ancient oak babies!


They are resilience manifest.



Let's reimagine a brighter world, let's envision a land of plenty, a vibrant home, where we are at peace and connected to one another well.


We invite you to write your part of the weft.

We will be developing a whole wave of opportunities to get involved with oak through story, weft and weave.

This will include some creative novel ways in which you can exchange your words for oaks.


"The woodland of dreams and intentions"

We are envisioning a new pasture woodland imbued with the hopes, dreams and prayers for a better world, one of peace and joy, fulfilment, inspiration and connection, an homage to nature and to the oak realm

You are invited to write a story, a poem, a prayer, an intention, or some other form of written word, perhaps a simple gratitude or appreciative acknowledgement of something good in your life, or of something that you wish for. Be creative

The proposal is to send us your expression and our advisory council (names to be announced soon) will choose our favourite 101 entries. Each of those entries will then have a tree planted in the new woodland in autumn 2024, with your words planted beneath, so they grow into an oak tree in

The woodland of dreams and intentions

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